Premio Dardo Award Winner

premio_dardo_2008I received a pleasant surprise this morning with a nomination from John Kenneth Muir of Reflections on Film/TV blog for the Premio Dardo Award. This is an award passed along from one blogger to another in appreciation for their work which “acknowledges the value that every blogger shows in his or her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values every day.” My thanks go to John for his appreciation of my work here at TheoFantastique.

In response I nominate the following bloggers and recommend their sites as meeting the goals of what the Premio Dardo Award is all about:

1. Voyages Extraordinaires. This great site is described as a weblog for people of intelligence and good breeding who enjoy Victorian-Edwardian Scientific Romances and Retro-Futurism, Victoriana and Neo-Victorianism, Voyages Extraordinaires and Imperialist Romances, Gothic Horror, Pulp Fiction, the Golden Ages of Hollywood and of Travel, silent and early films, points suprêmes and real life adventures into places exotic and historic.

2. Dread Reckoning. This pick may bend the rules in that it is website rather than a blog, but Marco Lanzagorta does a great job on this site as part of the PopMatters cultural studies magazine wherein he probes horror in ways that help us uncover its cultural and social significance.

3. My Monster Memories. A great site that explores movies, tv shows, cartoons, comics, magazines, models, toys, LPs, anything that has to do with the marvelous monsters of youth.

4. Frankensteinia. As the blog’s title indicates, this site is devoted to an in-depth exploration of the Frankenstein myth in the arts, media, and popular culture.

5. Blogue Macabre. The fear of mortality has long been present in all the worlds cultures. You can join the author of this blog on the banks of the River Styx where life and death danse in a cold yet intimate embrace. This is where Life imitates Death, and of course where Death mocks the living. This is a blog for the appreciation of Classic Horror, and all things macabre.

6. Of Epic Proportions. This interesting blog dovetails with my own interests as it looks at mythology, folklore, legends and world religions and how these surface in elements of pop culture.

Please enjoy each of these sites as they contribute to our cultural enjoyment and understanding of the fantastic. They too are worthy of the Premio Dardo Award. Until the Rondo Award recognizes blogging as a legitimate category for the award of horror excellence, recognition like the Premio Dardo will have to do.

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