Monthly Archives: October 2021

Doug Cowan forthcoming book

Doug Cowan, a friend and frequent guest of TheoFantastique, is finalizing his latest book, The Forbidden Body: Sex, Horror, and the Religious Imagination through New York University Press. Look for a future video conversation with Doug on the book here in the near future: From creature features to indie horror flicks, find out what happens […]

Heather Macumber on the Monstrous in Revelation

Dr. Heather Macumber is the author of a new book titled Recovering the Monstrous in Revelation: This book reads Revelation through the lens of the monster. Using monster theory, Heather Macumber approaches the cosmic beings in John’s Apocalypse as other and monstrous regardless of whether they are found in heaven or the abyss, with significant […]

CFP Journal of Gods and Monsters Special Issues

CFP Journal of Gods and Monsters Upcoming Special Issues The Journal of Gods and Monsters is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that seeks to explore the connections between the sacred and the monstrous. “Religion” can refer to the world’s religious traditions or to ideas that are religious in a substantive sense, such as God, demons, […]

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