Monthly Archives: March 2021

Guest blog post at Pop Culture and Theology

I’ve got a new guest blog post at the great Pop Culture and Theology website titled “Theology and Horror: Answering the Concerns of Critics.” It is part of the promotion for my new volume, co-edited with Brandon Grafius, titled Theology and Horror: Explorations of the Dark Religious Imagination.

Review of “Nightmares with the Bible” at Horror Homeroom

I had the privilege of reading Steve Wiggins’ fine book, Nightmares with the Bible, a book that looks at demons, possession and the Bible, for Horror Homeroom. You can find that review here. Steve’s response is also interesting on his blog as he expresses great appreciation of the review, and his frustration that his other […]

University of Chester and Gothic Heresy: Religious Knowledge and Experience in Horror Culture

My Facebook feed recently produced this little gem from the University of Chester, bringing together religion and horror, and one funded by the Templeton Religious Trust! Horror is a widespread mode of culture, cutting across games, films, books, art, TV and many other forms. In horror there is a repeated emphasis on religious themes, tropes, […]

THE UNHOLY as Easter horror

A new trailer came out today for a horror film coming out in connection with the Easter holiday where Christianity celebrates its most holy event. In the trailer for THE UNHOLY, we find a combination of possession tropes with Catholicism’s emphasis on Mary. See the discussion and poster at the article on the film at […]

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