Tag Archives: Dracula

“Dracula and Philosophy” review

I have a brief review of Dracula and Philosophy: Dying to Know (Open Court, 2015), edited by Nicolas Michaud and Janelle Pötzsch at The Englewood Review of Books, currently as a feature review. It can be read here.

Open Graves, Open Minds update

Previously TheoFantastique has noted the conference and publishing work of Open Graves, Open Minds. This post shares a recent update received on their work, including a book and conference. OPEN GRAVES, OPEN MINDS relates the Undead in literature and other media to questions concerning genre, technology, consumption and social change. It features original research by leading […]

In Memory of Bela Lugosi

A nice looking colorized photo from Dracula, and a video tribute in memory of Bela Lugosi who passed away August 16, 1956.

Titles of Interest – ‘The Birth of the Dracula Myth: Bram Stoker’s Transylvania’

I just learned of the following volume, one difficult to find information about online. The following comes from an abstract and other online information by Marius-Mircea Crisjan. The volume Impactul uni mit: Dracula și reprezentarea ficțională a spațiului românesc (The Impact of a Myth: Dracula and the Fictional representation of the Romanian space) is an […]

Japanese Footage and Restored Ending to “Horror of Dracula”

For a while now we have heard of the lost footage from Hammer’s Dracula (U.K.)/Horror of Dracula (U.S.) that was found in Japan, and that a few seconds of this footage was incorporated into the ending in the restored Blu-ray of the film released in the UK. This footage has surfaced on YouTube and it […]

Happy Birthday Bram.

It’s important for all people, including those with disabilities, to strike up an exercise regime suited to their needs. It’s important for all people, including those with a disability, to strike up an exercise regime for both their physical and mental health. While starting an exercise regime may seem daunting at first – stick to it […]

The Theology of Dracula: Reading the Book of Stoker as Sacred Text

Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula continues to be enjoyed by both fans, and academics, who explore its pages for entertainment as well as something more. The religious elements of Dracula have long been recognized, but recent studies are pushing in this in very different directions. In his book The Theology of Dracula: Reading the Book of […]

Open Graves, Open Minds: Bram Stoker Centenary Symposium

Dr. Sam George of the University of Hertfordshire informed me about the following upcoming conference. Open Graves, Open Minds: Bram Stoker Centenary Symposium 20-21 April 2012 This symposium arose from the Open Graves, Opens Minds: Vampires and the Undead in Modern Culture Research Project, led by Dr Sam George at the University of Hertfordshire. Initiated […]

Book Review: The Vampire Defanged

When I first heard that Brazos Press, an evangelical publisher, had produced a volume looking at vampires in literature and film, I was very skeptical. Evangelicals have been less than receptive to this phenomenon, tending to lump vampires in with “occultism” and evil, rather than as pop culture figures for social and theological reflection. Thankfully, […]

Journal of Dracula Studies Call for Submissions

The Journal of Dracula Studies is looking for submissions: Anne DeLong/Curt Herr/The Journal of Dracula Studies Contact email: journalofdraculastudies@kutztown.edu We invite manuscripts of scholarly articles (4000-6000 words) on any of the following: Bram Stoker, the novel Dracula, the historical Dracula, the vampire in folklore, fiction, film, popular culture, and related topics. Submissions should be sent […]

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