Peace, Conflict and Neuroscience: Science Fiction Helps Protect Against Genocide

My academic and popular interests and research overlap with the concept of monstrosity. This week I found a great website with a lot of resources that combine my interests in the Peace and Conflict Neuroscience Lab. One of their articles is titled “Finding Humanity in Alien Eyes: What science fiction films can tell us about protecting against genocide.” Here’s an excerpt:

I am a bit of a sci-fi junkie. I also research intergroup conflict. This pair of interests go together quite nicely: films depicting conflict between humans and non-humans are nearly as plentiful as the stars. At their highest, these films allow us to examine moralĀ ambiguities in the safe confines of an imaginary realm. While this provides me with great entertainment, I also have a hunch that film may be able to give us insights into the forces that help drive intergroup conflict and genocide, so that we can best determine how to prevent them.

Read more here.

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