Artificial intelligence and religion

artificial-intelligence-religion-not-goodThere has been a good bit of discussion lately on artificial intelligence in connection with religiosity. The Daily Mail has a piece titled “Will artificial intelligence be religious? Researchers say robots could someday be converted to a faith.” This includes positive and negative aspects. On the latter, the piece states

If artificially intelligent robots could have souls and be converted to religion, there are concerns that they may add to conflict around the world.

Christian theologian James McGrath, writes in his essay Robots, Rights, and Religion: ‘In all likelihood, if androids were inclined to be extremely liberal, they would quickly discover the selectivity of fundamentalism’s self-proclaimed liberalism and reject it.

‘The possibility that they might then go on to seek to enforce all the Biblical legislation in every details should indeed worry us.’

There is also a piece at Big Think titled “Experts Debate the Compatibility of AI and Religion.” It overlaps somewhat with the Daily Mail piece, but it’s worth looking at as well.

One Response to “Artificial intelligence and religion”

  1. I can’t believe they took my words about literalism and turned them into a statement about liberalism. Quite a botch-up!

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