Call For Papers: Science Fiction and the Bible (ISBL/EABS 2014)

6a00d8341c44f153ef013488f6b0bb970c-piThe research group “Science Fiction and the Bible” meets for the second time at ISBL/EABS in Vienna (July 6th-10th). We invite proposals for papers which engage with the possibilities of discussing biblical literature informed by Science Fiction (SF) or closely related genres. Proposals for papers are invited that apply specific works, tropes, or theories from SF to consider whether new insights can be derived from applying concepts of SF to biblical concepts or passages.

Using the concept of SF is a multidisciplinary approach. We encourage proposals from Bible scholars with an interest in SF, but also particularly from scholars in disciplines such as cultural studies, literature, sociology, film/media studies or even engineering and physics. In 2014 we expand our scope to also include considerations about religion and ethics, which may not be directly linked to a specific biblical passage or concept.

Paper prize for students: graduate students, whose papers are accepted for the ISBL/EABS annual meeting, can choose to enter the student paper competition that is held in connection with this meeting (2 cash prizes of 250 Euros).

Abstract deadline: January 31st, 2014.

More information and abstract submission here or by email:

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